We specialize in dedicated servers, virtual private servers (vps), server colocation and fiber optic services.
Interconnecx has been in business since 2009.
We specialize in the market of Detroit, Michigan but also serve the market of Kansas City, MO with dedicated servers.
Our primary data center is located in Detroit, Michigan.
Utilizing state of the art equipment from Dell, Arista and Cisco. We have the leading edge equipment to make sure you receive the best possible service.
With state of the art security including closed circuit security cameras, biological entry points and on site security. We protect your equipment at all costs.
With trained and knowledgable staff we have support available 24/7/365 to ensure you always have someone ready to fix your problems.
We have diverse locations around the United States so you can host your equipment close to home. Also providing you the the latency for fast access to your equipment.